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What is NRHH?

The National Residence Hall Honorary is an honor society housed within the Inter-Residence Hall Association. NRHH strives to provide means for recognition, service opportunities, and leadership development for individuals who have contributed to the advancement of college and university housing.

“In founding NRHH, we promised our members that the three pillars were a way to have a positive impact on their communities. Through their belief in service, recognition, and leadership, we were able to establish ourselves, fulfill our promise, and truly make an impact.”

– Kyle Jecks


We have a strong commitment to serving residents in the Iowa State Department of Residence, and the greater Ames community. Our organization has hosted campus cleanup events, worked closely with Reiman Gardens, and packaged meals to fight food insecurity.


Our chapter believes in honoring those who make strong commitments to bettering their communities. We launched Rising Resident in January of 2023 and since then the platform has been used to express gratitude across campus over 500 times.


We believe in the cultivation of leaders across Iowa State’s Department of Residence. Our meetings offer opportunities for leaders to network with one another and further discuss their commitments to the communities they serve.

Meet Our Exec Team