Why do we do it?

We believe that recognition is fundamental to fostering a strong community of people on our campus that take pride in the work they do. The idea isn’t the strongest efforts warrant campus-wide recognition, but the small ways that people contribute to the well-being of others don’t go unnoticed. Our Rising Star platform has been used over 500 times by people all across campus to show everyone from Resident Assistants & Hall Directors to Academic Advisors to Custodial Staff to some of our most experienced and highest ranking leaders that we appreciate the way they’ve made a difference.

We choose to recognize others because, though some of the most important things that happen at Iowa State happen behind closed doors, everyone deserves to know that they have and will continue to make a difference for those they come in contact with everyday. Rarely do we see people expect to be praised for their kindness and generosity, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t receive it.

We also believe in the personal transformation that can occur when we express gratitude towards those who make our lives better.